The Department of Botany and Plant Sciences Plant Growth Facilities
About the Plant Growth Facilities
The Department of Botany and Plant Sciences owns eight (8) growth chambers that are available for rent to BPSC faculty, staff, and students. 4 regular growth chambers are located in Batchelor Hall and are now available for rent.
Rental Rates
Applicable rates effective starting December 2024
Full Chamber Pricing
Model PGC-40L2: $200 $6
Model LED-41L2: $100 $4
Individual Shelf Pricing
Model PGC-40L2: $100 $3
Model LED-41L2: $50 $2
Growth Chamber Use and Access
In order to maintain and keep our growth chambers running efficiently, please adhere to the rules below. It is important that users comply with the assigned time period of the reservations. If you no longer need the assigned growth chamber it is important that you let us know as soon as possible so others can be accommodated. Please be sure to remove all plants and materials from the growth chambers and clean the chambers of any soil debris or water. It is your responsibility to make sure that the chambers are clean and ready for the next user. Failure to adhere to this requirement will affect future reservation requests.
Access to PR1 is via key cards which can be picked up in Batchelor 2118 prior to the start of reservation.
Access to Batchelor 3167 and 3102 will be granted at the start of the reservation.
Please report any issues about the growth chambers to 951-827-4619 or caroline.benitez@ucr.edu